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California State University, Dominguez Hills is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, which is the western member of a nationwide network of educational accrediting bodies. Credits earned at California State University are transferable to other institutions.
By mandate of the California State University, all external degree programs operating under its sanction must be continuously evaluated to ensure academic quality and program viability. Hence, students will occasionally be asked to complete surveys and respond to questionnaires which relate to the evaluation
Yes, you must have an accredited Bachelor's degree in order to be admitted to our program.
The tuition rate is the same for all HUX students, no matter where you live.
The entire program is conducted online.
We accept VISA, Discover and MasterCard for payments. Sorry, we do not accept American Express cards. Our bookstore does accept VISA, MasterCard, and American Express for payment of book orders.
A 2.75% non-refundable convenience fee is charged to all credit and debit card payments. This fee goes directly to the third party processor TouchNet® PayPathTM to cover fees charged by the card companies. Debit cards are processed as credit cards and are subject to the 2.75% non-refundable convenience fee.
The average course requires three to five books, at an average cost of $100 per course.
The effective date for refund of fees will be determined by CSU campus policy. Refunds appear in the form of a check from the State of California; credit card charges cannot be credited to credit card accounts. The total processing time for a refund normally takes 6-8 weeks. Refunds are granted in accordance with the State of California refund schedule.
The program covers the areas the traditional areas of the Humanities, including Art, History, Literature, Music and Philosophy/Religion.
If you are eligible for admission into the program, you can take classes from anywhere around the world with a connection to the Web. We have students on virtually every continent. The program is currently not accepting students from the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Oregon, and Wyoming.
The Humanities Master of Arts Degree Program (HUX) was formed in 1974 by Humanities faculty of California State University, Dominguez Hills. Today the graduate program continues to grow and serves students throughout the world.
Students take the Humanities Master of Arts degree for many reasons. Student most frequently take the HUX program who:
The materials required for admission are:
The Essay is used to provide us with a sample of the student's writing skills. Although nearly all students with the requisite 3.0 GPA or above are accepted, the Essay is another factor in the admission which can sway a student with a below-3.0/above 2.5 GPA into possible provisional admittance....
With approval of the Program Coordinator, a student with a GPA between 2.5 and 3.0 may enter the program on a provisional (probationary) basis. We recommend that students with GPAs below 2.5 take additional courses (undergraduate upper division courses or above only) to raise the GPA before applying....
Students enrolled in programs at California State University, Dominguez Hills have specific rights. The links below will take you to the appropriate CSUDH webpage. Before you begin a formal appeal, grievance, or petition process, please attempt to resolve the issue with your instructor and/or the HUX office (310-243-3743) as appropriate. Be sure to communicate directly with the HUX Coordinator early in the process. Part of the Coordinator's job is to help resolve complaints.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
In addition information concerning grievance procedures for students who feel aggrieved in their relationships with the university, its policies, practices and procedures, or its faculty and staff may be obtained from:
The Office of Human Resources Management. 1000 E. Victoria St. Carson, CA 90747. (310) 243-3771.All students entering the HUX M.A. program are required to take the CSUDH Graduate Writing Examination (GWE) within their first year of residency in the program (before they complete 9 units). The GWE is the California State University system-wide required English proficiency exam. This is a proctored, one hour (two hours if English is not the student's first language) essay examination. A score of 8 or better is required, and two attempts are allowed. Students who fail twice to receive a score of 8 or better should contact the testing office (310-243-3909) for approval to take a substitute course equivalent to English 350. The GWE examination is graded by CSUDH faculty and official results will be mailed to the student.
The GWE if offered for all three trimesters (Spring, Summer, Fall). You should receive GWE information from the HUX Office if you are required to take it. Please contact the office if you do not receive any GWE information during your first trimester in the Program. Proctor forms should be completed and returned to the HUX office ASAP! If the proctor is acceptable the exam will be mailed directly to him or her. The proctor will administer the exam and return it directly to the HUX office together with the Certificate of Examination form and the student-provided $35 GWE fee (the check should be in American funds and made out to CSUDH).
Requests for waiving the GWE, together with documentation, should be mailed directly to the address below. For more information about the GWE, including waivers and substitute courses, can be found at the CSUDH Testing Office website. Note that some of the information there applies only to on-campus students.
California State University, Dominguez Hills - HUX OfficeCollege of Continuing and Professional EducationDirect your questions to the Humanities Master of Arts staff at
The program runs on a trimester schedule. 13-week period (plus one finals week). Applications for admission are due in the Humanities Master of Arts office at least 2 months before the start of each term. See Admissions for dates.
Sorry - you must apply to our program and be accepted before you can start taking classes. However, you may request a sample course guide by emailing, so that you can get an understanding of what our classes are like.
All courses require a high standard in research/preparation and writing skills. The number of assignments vary for each course, but the average ranges from 4 to 7 assignments per course. (The rule of thumb is 8-10 pages per unit).
Courses do not have mid-term or final exams in the traditional sense, because all course assignments are essay in form.
Unfortunately, no.
If you can document the time and length of your deployment, instructors will grant Incompletes for up to one year.
The advisor is the Program Coordinator (see Contact Us). When you take an Independent Study or Final Project, the instructor who guides you through your work is your mentor. Any questions you have regarding your overall program should be directed to the advisor; any questions you have regarding your specific study in your Final Symposium/Thesis/Project should be directed to the mentor.
All students in the HUX Program must successfully complete either a symposium presentation, thesis or project to earn their degree. The primary objectives of the M.A. thesis requirement are to acquaint students with the tools and processes of scholarship and then to produce a lucid, organized presentation of this material.
No! Tuition is paid at the time of registration. See the information on current Fees. Financial aid information is available here. Unfortunately, there are no installment/payment plans at this time.
Yes - commencement services are held near the end of May of every year in the Home Depot Center stadium on campus.
No - the diploma reads: "Master of Arts in the Humanities" and makes no mention of "External Degree." Transcripts also do not mention "External Degree," but course abbreviations (HUX) are distinct from the on-campus Humanities program abbreviations (HUM).
The California State University campus system does not offer degrees above the Master's level. But a graduate of the Humanities Master of Arts Degree will be eligible to attend a doctoral degree program through other institutions. Consult the doctoral program you wish to attend to find out if there are other specific admission requirements regarding the Master's degree. In addition, you can continue taking HUX courses even after you've earned our degree, in case the doctoral program you wish to enter requires more than 30 units.