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The 3rd Annual Labor, Social & Environmental Justice Fair
Theme: Healthy Jobs for a Healthy Planet
Thursday, April 21
11:00 AM - 9:30 PM, Loker Student Union
Welcome to the Labor, Social and Environmental Justice Labor Fair page
Labor and Social Justice and Earth Day Fair Program [PDF]
Third Annual Labor, Social, and Environmental Justice Fair Booth Registration Form [Word DOC]
This is the third year for the Fair. Last year, we were very pleased with the wonderful turnout we were able to achieve, with 250 high school students coming from two different schools, and about 1000 of our own students attending, as well as representation from the surrounding communities. As we are celebrating Earth Day in conjunction with our Fair this year, we expect this event to increase its attendance and diversity.
This Fair has multiple goals. CSUDH is the only four-year university in Southern California to offer a major in Labor Studies. We think it is crucial to honor labor and promote labor studies, and we want to build our support for the labor and social justice community. We view the Fair as an opportunity to deepen connections among campuses, labor unions, workers’ centers, community organizations, and people: students, faculty, union folk and community members. It is a space for transmitting information about organizing campaigns and work and health issues, jobs and internships, and discussions about broader issues. Our theme for this year is Healthy Jobs, Healthy Planets.
We have been awarded a grant from the Diane Middleton Foundation and from our Associated Student organization, and a CSUDH Fiftieth Anniversary Award, and hope to make the entire event free to everyone.
Vivian Price
Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies/PACE; Coordinator, Labor Studies
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Small College 130
1000 E Victoria St.
Carson, CA 90747
Office 310-243-3583
PACE Office 310-243-3640
Office Fax 310-516-3339
Labor Studies page
IDS page
Tradeswomen Archives
New film on the Bracero Program Harvest of Loneliness
9 AM High school students arrive for campus tour and orientation.
Stage and Booths outdoors 11AM to 4PM
11AM Booths of fifty organizations open to the public
11:30 Free Lunch is served
11:45-1:00 PM East Walkway, Loker Student Union
Keynote Hour
Keynote speaker: Mike Garcia, President, SEIU United Service Workers West, Key Organizer of Justice for Janitors.
Introductions: Dr. Gabe Crenshaw, Southwest College and EXTRA celebrity; Jimi Castillo, Spiritual Leader of the Tongva Nation; and Karla Salazar, Political Action Representative of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
Throughout the day in LSU lobby near stairs and bookstore
1-2 PM
Free Taco Dinner
6 PM, Kent Wong, Director of UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education,"Wisconsin and the fight for America's future."
6:30- 8:00 PM Dance music with Cale, Flamenco Fusion band, Music and refreshments
9 to 5 National Association of Working Women
Academic Professionals of California
ACM-CSRL Computer Science
American Federation of State, Municipal, and County Employees
Anakbayan Los Angeles
Asian American Drug Abuse Program (AADAP, Inc.)
Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center
California Faculty Association
Campus Recycling
Circle of Women Artists/Angeles gate Cultural Center
City Year Los Angeles
Clergy and Laity for Economic Justice
Coalition for Education Justice
Columbia Peace Project
Communities for a Better Environment (CBE)
County of LA Environmental Program Division (Metropolitan)
CWA Local 9505/Next Generation Committee
Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum
Electrical Training Institute
Espiritu de Nuestro Futuro
Faculty and Students Against Sweatshops Campus Clothing
Filipino Migrant Center
HELPS (Higher Education & Life Planning Service Corp.)
Housing Rights Center
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Los Angeles Membership Branch
International Association of Theatrical and Stage Employees Local 44
Israel Divestment Campaign
Jewish Labor Committee
Keepers of Indigenous Ways
Labor United for Universal Healthcare
Loker Student Union, ASI and Toro Productions
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE)
Los Angeles Black Workers Center
Los Angeles City Attorney's Office Dispute Resolution
Los Angeles Laborfest
Lupus LA
Nabet-CWA Local 53
One Imagination
Orange County Labor Federation
Registrar Recorder/County Clerk
Science Students DH
Sociology Club and Older Adult Center
South Bay LGBT Center
State Workers with Disabilities SEIU Local 1000 and SEIU 721
Student Health & Environment Link
Teamster Local 572
The Art Institutes
U.S Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
United Food and Commercial Workers International
United Steelworkers Local 675
West Basin Municipal Water District
What is E-waste
Women in Non-Tradional Employment Roles (WINTER)
Women's Resource Center DH and Planned Parenthood
The Diane Middleton Foundation
Associated Student organization
Fiftieth Anniversary Committee CSUDH
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor
Steelworkers Local 675
California Faculty Association, Dominguez Hills Chapter
California Faculty Association Statewide
Los Angeles Faculty Guild, American Federation of Teachers Local 1521
United Food and Commercial Workers , Local 324
Teamsters Local 572
Toby Bushee
Jesse Aranda
Shannon Everson
Vicky Gordon
CSUDH Outreach
Jose Melgoza
Susanne Bartholomew
Josie LaBome
Prof. Anne Choi
The CSUDH Center for Service Learning, Internships and Civic Engagement
Multicultural Center CSUDH
Facebook page click here!
Past Labor and Social Justice Fairs
Labor and Social Justice Fair - Year 2010
Labor and Social Justice Fair - Year 2009