College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Psychology
(310) 243-3411
Ph.D. | DePaul University Clinical-Community Psychology | 2001 |
M.A. | DePaul University Clinical-Community Psychology | 1998 |
B.A. | University of California, Los Angeles Psychology Africana Studies | 1995 |
Director of the Freshman Student Experience
Co-Coordinator, Psychology MA Programs
Director, Faculty Development Center
Coordinator, Quality Assurance for Online Teaching
Community Well-Being & Sexual Health Lab: Women’s Well-Being; Motherhood; BIPOC Mental Health; Sexual Health; HIV/STI Prevention; Community Health and Wellness; Faculty Development and Thriving
National Science Foundation
“Leveraging a Faculty Community of Practice Model of Professional Learning to Enhance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEM Teaching, Learning, and Leadership” (1928740: PI-Costino, Co-PI-Paxton)
Presidential Outstanding Professor Award [2016]
Paxton, K.C., Hall, N.H, & Bogarin, E.* (2014). Family influences during childhood on African American women’s sexual behavior during young adulthood. Universal Journal of Psychology, 2, 113-116.
Paxton, K.C., Villarreal, B.J.*, & Hall, N.H. (2013). Increasing Knowledge of HIV Transmission: An Important Ingredient in HIV Risk Reduction among Young African American Women Attending Community College. Journal of HIV and Infectious Diseases, 1, 1-8.
Paxton, K.C., Williams, J.K., Bolden, S.*, Guzman, Y., Harawa, N.T. (2013). HIV risk behaviors among African American women with at-risk male partners. Journal of AIDS Clinical Research, 4, 221-228.
Paxton, K.C. & L. Robinson (2008). Depressive Symptoms, Gender, and Sexual Risk Behavior among African-American Adolescents: Implication for prevention and intervention. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 35, 49-62.
Punzalan, C., Paxton, K.C., Guentzel, H., Bluthenthal, R., Mejia, G., & Mangione, C, (2006). Seeking community input to improve implementation of a lifestyle modification program. Ethnicity & Disease, 16, S1-79-S1-88.
Chung, B., Corbett, C.E., Boulet, B., Cummings, J.C., Paxton, K., McDaniel, S. et al. (2006). Talking Wellness: A Description of a Community-Academic Partnered Project to engage an African American community around depression through the use of poetry, film, and photography. Ethnicity & Disease, 16, S1-67-S1-77.
Paxton, K.C., Robinson, W.L., Shah, S., Schoeny, M.E. (2004). Psychological distress for African-American adolescent males: Exposure to community violence and social support as factors. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 34(4), 281-295.
PSY 368: Human Sexuality
PSY 570: Community Psychology
PSY 574: Diversity Issues in Clinical and Community Psychology
PSY 575: Theories of Health & Behavior