College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Psychology
(310) 243-3477
Ph.D. | University of California, San Diego Experimental Psychology | 1975 |
B.A. | University of California, Los Angeles Mathematics | 1971 |
The psychological impact of technology
Gazzaley, A., & Rosen, L. D. (2016). The distracted mind: Ancient brains in a high-tech world. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Rosen, L. D., Cheever, N. A., & Carrier, L. M. (2015). The handbook of psychology, technology and society. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell
Rosen, L. D., Carrier, L. M., & Cheever, N. A. (2012). iDisorder: Understanding our obsession with technology and overcoming its hold on us. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
Rosen, L. D., Carrier, L. M., Miller, A., Rokkum, J., & Ruiz, A. (2016). Sleeping with technology: Cognitive, affective and technology usage predictors of sleep problems among college students. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, 2, 49-56
Croom, C., Gross, B., Rosen, L.D., & Rosen, B. (2016). What’s Her Face(book)? How Many of Their Facebook “Friends” Can College Students Actually Identify? Computers in Human Behavior, 56, 135-141
Carrier, L. M., Rosen, L. D., Cheever, N. A., & Lim, A. (2015). Causes, effects, and practicalities of everyday multitasking. [Special issue on living in the “Net” generation: Multitasking, learning and development] Developmental Review, 35, 64-78.
Carrier, L. M., Spradlin, A., Bunce, J., & Rosen, L. D. (2015). Virtual empathy: Positive and negative impacts of going online upon empathy in young adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 52, 39-48
Cheever, N.A., Rosen, L.D., Carrier, L.M., & Chavez, A. (2014). Out of sight is not out of mind: The impact of restricting wireless mobile device use on anxiety levels among low, moderate and high users. Computers in Human Behavior, 37, 290-297
Rosen, L.D., Lim, A.F., Felt, J., Carrier, L.M., Cheever, N.A., Lara-Ruiz, J.M., Mendoza, J.S., & Rokkum, J. (2014). Media and Technology Use Predicts Ill-Being Among Children, Preteens and Teenagers Independent of the Negative Health Impacts of Exercise and Eating Habits. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 364-375
Rosen, L.D., Whaling, K., Carrier, L.M., Cheever, N.A., & Rokkum, J. (2013). The Media and Technology Usage and Attitudes Scale: An empirical investigation. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), 2501-2511
Rosen, L.D., Carrier, L.M., & Cheever, N.A. (2013). Facebook and texting made me do it: Media-induced task-switching while studying. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3), 948-958
Rosen, L.D., Whaling, K., Rab, S., Carrier, L.M., & Cheever, N.A. (2013). Is Facebook Creating “iDisorders”? The Link Between Clinical Symptoms of Psychiatric Disorders and Technology Use, Attitudes and Anxiety. Computers in Human Behavior 29, 1243-1254
SBS 318: The Global Impact of Technology