What is the mission of the BSQA program?

The BSQA program provides the academic environment and the requisite course of study to blend the basic sciences, technologies, management principles, quality concepts and statistical tools needed to prepare professionals for careers in Quality Assurance. This program is also designed to serve working professionals in the field seeking career enhancement. All of this is to be achieved while ensuring a well-rounded learning experience consistent with the overall University mission and the needs of industry and society.

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What are the BSQA program goals?

  • To prepare professionals in Quality Assurance for careers in the design, development,
    manufacture and support of products and service.
  • To provide an interdisciplinary approach that blends the basic sciences, technologies,
    management principles, quality concepts and statistical tools.
  • To meet the needs and interests of the Quality Assurance professional through a
    combination of theoretical and practical course work, independent study, and interaction
    with fellow students and leading professionals.
  • To provide a well-rounded learning experience as well as preparation for advanced
    studies (e.g. Master's Degree) by means of a broad-based curriculum which includes
    a culminating project and a practical off-campus internship.
  • To provide options which allow students to customize their programs of study to
    include areas of personal and professional interest.
  • To provide a curriculum in which students develop problem-solving skills with a
    customer-based focus leading to the continuous improvement of process.

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What are the requirements for graduation?

The major consists of 66 units. The BSQA requires 120 units including
General Studies and statutory requirements. See Degree Requirements

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What is the BSQA virtual classroom like?

Our objective is to create a dynamic, interactive distance learning environment for our students. To that end, we will use a variety of delivery methods, fitting each learning activity to the most appropriate technology.

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How do I take my exams?

The final examination for each course will be proctored. In order to maximize security and assure testing integrity of the final examination, it will be the responsibility of each student to identify a proctor to be approved by the Academic Coordinator each term. See Proctor Information.

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What kind of computer equipment and software do I need to do this program?

Any platform (Mac, PC, etc.) can be used. See Technical Requirements

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What are the requirements for admission to the program?

  • Minimum of 60 units and completion of all general education requirements of the California State University system with a 2.0 GPA
  • Completion of one semester of college- level calculus
  • TOEFL score of 550 (for students whose primary language of instruction was not English)

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Does CSUDH utilize teams as part of their program for all courses?

No, but groups of three are used for some assignments in some of the classes.

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How many credits can be transferred?

All of the first two years that satisfy California State requirements. Credit for upper division courses is possible if they satisfy the requirements of the BSQA curriculum.

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Are credits are acceptable through job experience?


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Are there openings for the next quarter?


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Are there live lectures?

No, it is all on the Internet. A chat room is used by some of the instructors.

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How are the quizzes/tests/exams handled for online learning?

Exams are taken on-line using a program called Blackboard.

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Are the programs using E-books or real texts?

Real texts.

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What Rights Do I Have? What if I Have a Complaint?

You have a number of rights as a student of California State University, Dominguez Hills.The links below will take you to the appropriate CSUDH webpage. Before you begin a formal appeal, grievance, or petition process, please attempt to resolve the issue with your instructor and/or the BSQA office (310-243-3880) as appropriate. Be sure to communicate directly with the BSQA Coordinator early in the process. Part of the Coordinator's job is to help resolve complaints. See the Contacts page for a full list of faculty contact info.

Student Rights and Responsibilities overview

Grade Appeals Procedures

Student Grievance Procedure

Petition for Exception. Students may petition for exception to certain University academic regulations only when unusual or extenuating circumstances exist. Request a Petition form from the BSQA office, and return the completed form to the BSQA office for submission to the university-wide committee that considers such appeals.

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