QAS 599 Thesis / Project Requirements and Due Dates

QAS 599 and QAS 600 students: Here are important requirements and conditions for completing the required thesis or project.

Note: New thesis/project guidelines were implemented in Spring 2016. Please check the Graduate Studies Office website for more information.

  1. Topic Approval:
    When a student enrolls in QAS 599, the master's thesis or project topic must be approved by the Academic Coordinator before starting the course. If the student has not already received approval, please call (310) 243-3880. This requirement will not be waived.
  2. Topic & Committee Selection Deadlines:
    The student must have approved topic and select a committee by the end of QAS 598S. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. The committee must consist of three members, one of which will be the coordinator. The student may notify the MSQA Office by fax (310) 516-4423, by email at or by letter with this information. The thesis or project is due to the MSQA Office one month before the submission deadline to the Graduate Studies Office (September 10 - Fall term; February 10 - Spring term).
    The thesis or project is due to the Graduate Studies Office for Fall term on October 10 and for Spring term March 10. The completed thesis or project is due for submission to the University Library on or before December 15 for Fall term and May 15 for Spring term. The MSQA Program will not offer QAS 599 or QAS 600 during any Summer term.
  3. Project Guides & Style Manuals:
    By the time the student starts writing the thesis or project, the student should have purchased the most recent edition of the CSUDH Thesis and Project Guide. The student should read the guide thoroughly before starting to write the thesis or project. Use the designated style manual, APA, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
    Contact the Graduate Studies Office at (310) 243-3693 |; they can help students with thesis or project formatting concerns.
  4. Drafts & Corrections:
    As the student's committee and the Graduate Studies Office review the thesis or project, be sure to promptly make the corrections requested at each stage of the thesis or project process and return not only the corrected copy but also the initial copy with the corrections made by the Graduate Studies Office. They will compare in detail the initial copy with the corrected one to make sure all changes have been made.
  5. Fee Payment:
    Once the Graduate Studies Office has released the student's thesis or project to the University Library for publication the student must pay the fees. See the CSUDH Thesis and Project Guide for the correct form and contact the University Library at (310) 243-3679 for further assistance.
  6. Continuous Enrollment:
    Having completed all other requirements for the MSQA degree, the student needs to enroll in QAS 600 and use the term to complete the thesis or project requirements. (This means that the student has already taken QAS 599, received a grade of "RP," Report in Progress, and has taken all the other QAS courses and meet the graduation requirements for the MSQA degree). By following the information given to the student here, the student ability to complete the thesis or project in one term will be greatly enhanced.