College of Health, Human Services and Nursing
Department of Social Work
(310) 243-2349
Susan D. Einbinder, received her MS and Ph.D. from Columbia University School of Social Work, specializing in social policy and policy analysis for child and family policies. Her scholarly research and publications investigate policies, programs and services affecting the social and economic well-being of families with children, especially those in poverty.
From 1993 through 2001, she was on faculty at the University of Southern California’s School of Social Work; before joining CSUDH, she conducted research studies about child welfare and homeless prevention programs in the Los Angeles area.
PhD - Columbia University
MS - Columbia University
Einbinder, S.D. (2010) A qualitative study of Exodus graduates: Family-focused residential substance abuse treatment as an option for mothers to retain or regain custody and sobriety in Los Angeles, California. Child Welfare, 8, 4, 29-45.
Boyd, A.S., Einbinder, S.D., Rauktis, M.E., & Portwood, S.G. (2007). Building research capacity in residential treatment centers: An approach for empirical studies. Child & Youth Care Forum, 36, 1, 43-58.
Einbinder, S.D., P.J. Robertson, A. Garcia, G. Vuckovic, & R.J. Patti. (2000). Interorganizational Collaboration in Social Service Organizations: A Study of the Prerequisites to Success. Journal of Children and Poverty, 6, 2, 119-140.
Einbinder, S.D. (1995). Housing Affordability for Families with Children. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, VII, ½: 83-100.
Einbinder, S.D. (2010). “Policy Analysis” in B. Thyer, Editor, The Handbook of Social Work Research, 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 527-546.
Einbinder, S.D. & D.C. Sloane. (1998). Reconceptualizing Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood: Interprofessional Collaboration and Ideas of Community. In J. McCroskey and S.D. Einbinder, Editors, Universities and Communities: Remaking Professional and Interprofessional Education for the 21st Century. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing, Inc.
Einbinder, S.D. (1998). Professional and Interprofessional Education in the 21st Century. In J. McCroskey and S.D. Einbinder, Editors, Universities and Communities: Remaking Professional and Interprofessional Education for the 21st Century. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing, Inc.
Einbinder, S.D. & S.A. Kirk. (1995). Can MSW Students Critically Evaluate Research without Knowledge of Statistics? Probabilistically Speaking, No!” in W.W. Hudson & P.S. Nurius, Editors, Controversial Issues in Social Work Research. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon
Einbinder, S.D. Policy Analysis (1995). In W. Reid, Editor, Encyclopedia of Social Work, 19th Edition. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Work
McCroskey, J. & S. D. Einbinder, Editors. Universities and Communities: Remaking Professional and Interprofessional Education for the 21st Century. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing, Inc. (Revised and reprinted from LA, CA: USC Interprofessional Initiative, Monograph of Conference Proceedings, March 26, 1996), 1998.
Patti, R.J. & S.D. Einbinder. (1998). Organizational Factors Associated with Collaborative Service Arrangements: Final Report. Berkeley, CA: California Social Work Education Committee (CALSWEC) (Monograph). Report submitted to the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children, Youth & Families, Children’s Bureau, Washington, DC.
Einbinder, S.D. (1995). Monograph: Planning in an Era of Devolution. Los Angeles, CA: The Los Angeles Roundtable for Children, September 1995.
Einbinder, S.D. (1995). Improving the Poverty Line: Developing a Consumption Based Measure of Relative Deprivation for Families and Children in the United States. UMI Dissertation Services, UMI Number 95533544; New York, NY: Columbia University.
Kirk, S.A. & S.D. Einbinder, Eds. (1994). Controversial Issues in Mental Health. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Einbinder, S.D. & T. Tull. (July 2005). Policy Brief: The Housing First Program for Homeless Families. Los Angeles, California: Beyond Shelter.
Einbinder, S.D. (1995). Proposed Welfare Changes Portend Harm for the Majority of Recipients – Children. In D. Fleming, Editor, Jobs, Welfare and Homelessness. LA, CA: Southern California Inter-University Consortium on Homelessness and Poverty, Weingart Center Association (Reprinted in USC Center for Feminist Research Newsletter, 9, 2: 6-7, Spring 1996).
Einbinder, S.D. (1995). Book Review of W.J. Wilson, Editor, The Ghetto Underclass: Social Sciences Perspectives, Updated Edition, London, UK: Sage, 1993, and J.A. DeVine & J.D. Wright, The Greatest of Evils: Urban Poverty and the American Underclass, NY: Aldine De Gruyter, in Administration in Social Work.
Einbinder, S.D. (1993) 1993 Update of Five Million Children. Special Section on the Effects of the 1990-1991 Recession. NY, NY: National Center for Children in Poverty, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University.
Einbinder, S.D. with T.J. Bond (1992). 1992 Update: Five Million Children. NY, NY: National Center for Children in Poverty, National Center for Children in Poverty, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University.
Einbinder, S.D. A Statistical Profile of Children Living in Poverty: Children Under Three and Children Under Six (unpublished). NY, NY: National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University School of Public Health, 1992.
A. Suzanne Boyd Æ Susan D. Einbinder Æ Mary Elizabeth Rauktis Æ Sharon G. Portwood. Building Research Capacity in Residential Treatment Centers: An Approach for Empirical Studies.