
Social Justice Distinguished Lecture Series

The Social Justice Distinguished Speaker Series was founded in 2015 by Dr. Shari Berkowitz and Dr. Jennifer Sumner, and is generously sponsored by the Office of the President. In creating this series, their goal was to bring in luminary speakers and respected scholars to join our students, faculty, staff, and members of the local community in a conversation about some of the most pressing issues in social justice, particularly those connected to the legal system. Dr. Berkowitz and Dr. Sumner, associate professors of Criminal Justice Administration, look forward to continuing the series on Zoom and will return to hosting campus events when it is safe to do so. ​

Learn more on the speaker series website.

South Bay Economic Forecast

The South Bay Economic Forecast is an annual event where our economics experts take the stage alongside innovative industry representatives from the South Bay to discuss the exciting opportunities and critical issues facing our regional economy.

Learn more on the Economic Forecast website.

Speakers at 2020 Economic Forecast

SPSJ Spring 2025 Events

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