Professional Selling


About the Online Professional Selling Program

Please Note: This program has paused enrollment at this time.

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California State University, Dominguez Hills Professional Selling Certificate program is a virtual instructor-led online program combines sales skills, strategy, and tactics with real world examples and scenarios including application through individual and team exercises. 

Program Overview

Happy young male sales agent talking to a customer via headset and working on computer station

This 9-session program will provide an overview to the student of the required tasks, activities, roles, and responsibilities of a sales professional. By using the DiSC Sales Profile, the student will better understand their selling and communication style, which is important today as selling is done online, face-to-face, and over multiple technologies. The program will then explain in detail the tactics and strategies that comprise a successful selling methodology, and the skills required to effectively identify, sell, and close opportunities.

DiSC Profile

The final session of the program will provide students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the sales process by presenting their completed Account Strategy Worksheet, which they’ve been compiling after each session. The goal is to provide the student with the competence and confidence necessary to control and advance the sales cycle and understand the role of the sales professional in today’s business environment. Each student will leave the program with a personalized “Account Strategy Worksheet”, applying the skills learned to a real-world sales opportunity. Emphasis will be placed on effective communication including personal communication style, selling methodology, listening skills and relationship building through the inclusion and use of the DiSC Sales Profile

DiSC Profile Sales: Provide salespeople with the skills to adapt to customers’ preferences and expectations. 

Participant Takeaways:

  • Discovery of personal sales style
  • Recognition of customers’ differences
  • Strategies to adapt sales approaches to customer needs  

Who Should Attend

The Professional Selling program provides a broad awareness of multiple career opportunities, as well as the knowledge required to excel while interviewing for a sales position. This program is targeted at the student who is not already a sales professional, or has yet to gain a basic working knowledge of sales principles and practices. Therefore, the program is great for:

  • those new to various sales roles
  • those exploring the possibility of a career in professional selling
  • those seeking a career as a Sales Professional
  • those who might like to refresh and update their selling skills

Course Features

  • Lecture, role plays, individual, group and team exercises
  • An individual DiSC Sales Profile
  • Account Strategy Worksheet development and presentation
  • Guest Lecturer

Job Titles

  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Inside & Outside Sales Representatives
  • Retail Sales Associates
  • Direct Salesperson
  • Sales Representative
  • Telesales
  • Sales Consultant
  • Client/Customer Relationship Manager
  • Business and Account Managers
  • Assistant, General & Store Managers
  • Business Development Manager
  • Customer Experience Manager
  • Sales Engineer
  • Sales Manager/Executive


Just about every industry has some type of sales job, but these are more typical.

  • Advertising
  • Consumer Packaged Goods
  • Cybersecurity
  • Enterprise Software
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Information Services
  • Insurance
  • Lodging and Food Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Medical Device
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
  • Recruiting/Staffing
  • Retail Trade
  • Software as a Service (SAAS)
  • Technology (hardware)
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
  • Web Services/Media
  • Wholesale and Manufacturing

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Module Descriptions

Specific course goals and objectives, as well as learning outcomes for each session are described in the applicable syllabi. As noted, there is a strong progression of learning and skills development under the Professional Selling Certificate Program.

Module 1:
The Sales Call Process

This module outlines the overall Sales Call Process. A quick overview and example of each step along with the skills required to effectively manage each step in the process are provided. Each step will then be expanded in greater detail. In this module the student will complete an online DiSC Sales Profile which will be used throughout the program to better understand students’ communication and selling styles.

Module 2:
Virtual Selling & Sales Technology

Skills, tactics and technology required to effectively manage the virtual sales process are covered in this module:

  • Selling in the new normal
  • Virtual selling challenges
  • Achieving and managing the engagement
  • CRM Tools used to manage your time and business

Module 3:
DiSC Sales Profile Analysis

This module reviews the DiSC Sales Profile, which was taken online prior to the session, is reviewed in detail. This provides the student with additional insight into the four selling, (and communication) styles and will assist in analyzing strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. We will also explore customer and prospect decision making styles and how they might affect the speed and management of the sales cycle.

Module 4:
Building Early Value

This module focuses on selling skills required to effectively begin the sales process are covered in this module. Skills covered include:

  • Prospecting and lead generation
  • Sales funnel management
  • Appointment qualification
  • Development and use of initial benefit statements (IBS)
  • Setting and using sales call objectives
  • Account qualification

Module 5:
Strategic Questioning & Listening

This module focuses on one of the Professional Salespersons most valuable tools – the ability to develop and ask good questions…and listen. Skills covered include:

  • Basic questioning review
  • The strategic questioning model
  • Listening skills

Module 6:
Building Relationships – Developing Solutions

This module discusses skills required to become a business partner, position solutions and sell value. This is accomplished through an understanding of partnership activities, need development and positioning the proper features with the identified buyer type. Skills covered include:

  • Steps to become a business partner
  • Development of needs
  • Connecting appropriate features to benefits
  • Identification of buyer types
  • Linking business issues to enhance partnerships

Module 7:
Gaining Commitment

This module reviews the foundation that each sales call requires a request for a decision or a request for a commitment from the buyer. The point is also stressed that in most sales environments today we are often not just closing a sale but opening a relationship. Therefore, the decision to move to a close must be beneficial to both parties. Skills covered include:

  • Buying signal identification
  • Defining next mutual business purpose
  • Obtaining pre commitment
  • Steps to obtain a true close

Module 8:
Handling Objections

This module reviews the skills required to properly handle objections are discussed in detail, with a focus on the attitudes that often cause the objection. Examples of these attitudes are given and strategies are discussed in order to effectively deal with some of our most common objections. Skills covered include:

  • Attitude overview
  • Leveraging strengths
  • Price vs. total cost
  • Handling indifference to your solutions
  • Using closed questions to focus on the need for change

Module 9:
Account Strategy Worksheet Presentations

This module introduces the Account Strategy Worksheet used throughout the program to connect classroom skills to a real world application. Each student will review their strategy and describe how they will plan for and manage the sales process.

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Online Course Schedule

* Schedule subject to change; consult with instructor for specific date details | Updated Daily




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Online Access

 Note: This program utilizes Canvas LMS. Be sure to get your password and instructions on how to access MyCSUDH when you register.

Course materials and handouts can be accessed by logging into Canvas, the Learning Management System (LMS) for California State University, Dominguez Hills. Login credentials are sent with the registration confirmation after the student’s initial course enrollment at CSUDH. View the Canvas Login Information to get started.

For questions regarding technical issues, please contact the CSUDH IT Helpdesk at 310.243.2500 and/or ►

Note: as of the Fall 2025 term, course fees will be $318/unit.

A Note About CCPE Academic Terms

The term for a particular class is based on when the class ends, not when it begins. For example, a course beginning in April and ending in July is a summer class, and you will find it in the summer schedule. Please check the current term plus the next term to determine all of your schedule options.

 Information & Registration

The deadline to enroll for courses for most certificate programs is FOUR (4) BUSINESS DAYS or earlier before the class begins; course schedules are updated daily. If a course in which you are interested is no longer displaying in the course schedule, please be aware that its registration deadline may have already passed, or the course may have already reached capacity. Review the schedule for alternate dates, or sign up for Program Updates to be notified of upcoming classes.



New Students

  • If you are a new to CSUDH and have never taken a course through CSUDH Continuing Education, simply select the course you want to take, click on the Cart icon to register, input your personal information, and pay for your class(es).

Current Students

  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has been active in the past 6 months, you will use your regular CSUDH login information.
  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has been active within the past 2 years, but who has not been active in the past 6 months, you will need to reset your password by visiting

All Other CCPE Students

  • If you are a past CSUDH Continuing Education student who has NOT been active within the past 2 years, please register for your first (returning) course as though you are new student. 
  • If you are an existing CSUDH Continuing Education student who has forgotten your username, student ID number, and/or Toromail address, please call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) during Office Hours to retrieve this information.

Current Admitted CSUDH (Non-Continuing Ed) Students

  • ⚠ If you are a currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate CSUDH student who wishes to take a CSUDH Continuing Education course for the first time, please call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) during Office Hours to get registered. (Please note that CCPE courses cannot be registered through MyCSUDH.)


When you're ready to register, select the " Add" button to the left of your desired course(s), and then select the " Cart" to begin the Checkout process.

If the course you want to register for has a prerequisite, after selecting "Checkout & Pay", you must Log In using your CSUDH campus credentials so that the system can verify that you have completed the required prerequisite course.

Have other questions?

  • For further instructions regarding the checkout process, visit
  • To drop a course and receive a refund, please login to, click on "Course History", and drop the course. You will receive a refund within 10 days (depending on your financial institution). If you would like to switch courses or course sections, you must first drop the course, and then enroll in your preferred course.
  • Check this program's FAQs (if provided), or simply call 310-243-2075, email, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message regarding this program.