Risk Safety Solutions (RSS)

RSS Modules

What is Risk Safety Solutions (RSS)?

CSU Safety Management System

California Sate University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) uses the CSU Safety Management system, also known as the Risk and Safety Solutions (RSS) for chemical hazard assessments, inventory management, and safety inspections. This software allows all laboratory Principal Investigator (PI), Instructional Support Technician (IST), Lab Manager, Delegate, and/or responsible person(s) to easily identify and manage the risks and hazards on campus while meeting safety compliance. 

Chemical Inventories for Control Areas Using RSS

When using the chemical inventories on RSS all users who are considered to be either: Principal Investigator (PI) Instructional Support Technician (IST) Lab Manager, Delegate, and/ or responsible party have access to a cloud-based chemical inventory, which allows for easy tracking and maintenance of containers using a barcoding system for their designated control area.

Chemical inventories must be certified at least annual for documentation requirements for the annual audit and reconciliation process by the owner of the control area. In addition, all chemicals associated with a control area must have an accompanying Safety Data Sheet (SDS) that reflects the current inventory. EH&S will conduct annual inspections of control areas to ensure the chemical inventory and other components are current and up to date.

Hazard Assessments for Control Areas Using RSS

Hazard assessments allow all user who are considered to be either Principal Investigator (PI), Instructional Support Technician (IST) Lab Manager, Delegate, and/ or responsible party to view potential hazard awareness precautions to consider for chemicals associated to a designated laboratory area.

Hazard assessments must be reviewed and certified at least annually by the owner of the laboratory who is the responsible person(s). In doing so, all members of the group for the laboratory area must also acknowledge and verify any changes or additional hazards.

Inspections for Control Areas Using RSS

EH&S Annual Inspections

Annual inspections of the laboratory area are conducted by EH&S reviewing compliance and laboratory safety. All inspections documented display findings for correction in RSS with their corresponding due date. It is the responsibility of the PI, IST, Lab Manager, Delegate, and/or responsible person(s) to ensure that inspections findings get resolved in a timely matter.

Upon corrective action, the PI, Lab Manager, Delegate, and/or responsible person(s) will notify EH&S for re-inspection and clearance (when needed). Should no further findings/deficiencies be observed the report will be considered "resolved" and remain in the RSS software as documentation.

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