How To: Find & Open Items

How To: Find & Open Items (Pages & Assets)

Finding and Opening Pages for Editing

  1. In the CM1 Finder, click Sites in the first (far left) column.
    (NOTE: Use single clicks to navigate the Finder.)
  2. In the next column to the right, click CSUDH.
  3. In the next column to the right, scroll through the CSUDH site folder list and click to select your folder.
    (NOTE: Click ">>" at the top of the column to view the next page of folders.)
  4. Continue selecting folders until you locate the desired page.
    (The last column will display the page's Properties Panel.)
  5. Double-click the page to open it in Editor View in Read-Only mode.
    (Click the EDIT button Editor View - Edit Button to enter Edit mode.)

How to Find and Select Pages


Finding and Opening Assets for Editing

  1. In the CM1 Finder, click Assets in the first (far left) column.
    (NOTE: Use single clicks to navigate the Finder.)
  2. In the next column to the right, click CSUDH-Sites.
  3. In the next column to the right, scroll through the CSUDH assets folder list and click to select your folder.
    (NOTE: Click ">>" at the top of the column to view the next page of folders.)
  4. Continue selecting folders until you locate the desired asset.
    (The last column will display the page properties panel.)
  5. Double-click the asset to open it in Editor View in Read-Only mode. (Click Edit to enter Edit mode.)

How to Find and Select Assets


Using MyPages to Find Bookmarked Pages

Bookmarking a Page

  1. Open a page in Editor View by double-clicking the page in the Finder.
  2. Click the star icon in the Editor View Properties Bar. It will become highlighted when bookmarked. (To un-bookmark the page, click the star icon again.)
    Editor View - Properties

Finding a Bookmarked Page in MyPages

  1. In the Finder Toolbar, click the star Finder Toolbar Icon - My Pages icon.
  2. A list of bookmarked pages will be displayed. Double-click the a page to open it in Editor View.
    (Single-clicking a page in the list will display it's CM1 Path in the Finder Toolbar.)

The Finder Toolbar:

Finder Toolbar