Assistive Technology Specialist Courses

Assistive Technology Specialist Certificate (Online)

  View Course Schedule & Costs Descriptions and Textbooks   Request Information Now

The Assistive Technology Certificate program has been updated! For information on current offerings and to receive future program announcements, please join our program's mailing list.

The term for a particular class is based on when the class ends, not when it begins. For example, a course beginning in April and ending in July is a summer class, and you will find it in the summer schedule. Please check the current term plus the next term to determine all of your schedule options.


Online Course Schedule

NOTE: Courses must be taken in the following order:   Intro to Assistive Technology → Advanced Assistive Technology → Capstone

Students will take 1 course each term and complete the program over a span of three (3) terms.


Spring 2025

Start DateEnd DateCRNDeptCourse TitleUnitsReg DeadlineFeeInstructor
02/03/202505/05/202526592SPE 530 41Intro to Assistive Technology4.002/02/2025$1,212P Richard
02/03/202505/05/202526594SPE 532 41Advanced Assistive Technology4.002/02/2025$1,212P Richard
02/03/202505/05/202526595SPE 537 41Capstone Course in Assistive Technology4.002/02/2025$1,212P Richard


Summer 2025

Start DateEnd DateCRNDeptCourse TitleUnitsReg DeadlineFeeInstructor
05/12/202508/11/202535971SPE 530 41Intro to Assistive Technology4.005/09/2025$1,212P Richard
05/12/202508/11/202535972SPE 532 41Advanced Assistive Technology4.005/09/2025$1,212P Richard
05/12/202508/11/202535973SPE 537 41Capstone Course in Assistive Technology4.005/09/2025$1,212P Richard

* Schedule and costs subject to change at any time; consult with instructor for specific date details | Updated 2/7/2025

Note: Effective Fall 2025 term, the course fees will increase to $318 per unit (total program cost of $3,816 + book costs).

Online Course Instruction

The program is taught asynchronously online. No campus attendance is required, and there are no set days and times for classes online.

Students will receive instructions as to how to establish their campus login credentials approximately 2–3 days after registering for a course. These credentials will enable students to login to CSUDH's Canvas learning management system via the MyCSUDH student portal. 

If you do not receive login information once you have registered, please contact the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1).

For questions regarding technical issues, please contact the CSUDH IT Helpdesk at 310-243-2500 or visit


Course Descriptions

SPE 530 | Introduction to Assistive Technology

4.0 Units
Review of legal mandates and effective practices of Assistive Technology as it relates to education, communication, vocation, recreation, and mobility for individuals with disabilities. Explore types of assistive technologies, functional assessments, resources, and district responsibilities as they relate to Universal Design for Learning within inclusive settings.

SPE 532 | Advanced Assistive Technology

4.0 Units • Prerequisite: SPE 530
Candidates will advance knowledge of and apply principals of universal design and culturally responsive assessment practices to identify and implement assistive technologies within classroom and work settings. Emphasis will be placed on the adaption and application of assistive technology devices and technologies in a wide range of integrated educational settings.

SPE 537 | Capstone Course in Assistive Technology

4.0 Units • Prerequisites: SPE 530 and SPE 532
Students will apply assistive technology skills by performing functional assessments, developing technology goals/objectives, and selecting appropriate assistive technology services for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, students will develop skills to facilitate the development of a system to deliver assistive technology devices and services.

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    Note: Once you have COMPLETED all the courses in the certificate, you may apply to receive the certificate ►


Course Textbooks

Assistive Technology in the Classroom: Enhancing the School Experiences of Students with Disabilities, 3rd Edition (2020)
Authors: Dell, Amy G., Newton, Deborah A. and Petroff, Jerry G.
ISBN-13: 978-0134170503
Publisher: Pearson 

Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition (2025)
Authors: Janice Miller Polgar, BScOT, PhD, FCAOT, Pedro Encarnação, PhD, Emma Smith, MScOT, PhD, RESNA Fellow and Albert M. Cook, PhD, PE (ret)
ISBN: 978-0443110566
Publisher: Elsevier


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 Information & Registration

When you're ready to register for courses, call 310-243-3741 (Option 1). 

The deadline to enroll for courses for most certificate programs is FOUR (4) BUSINESS DAYS or earlier before the class begins; please check the Course Schedule for the program to ensure that you can enroll on time.

Have other questions?
Check this program's FAQs (if provided), or simply call: 310-243-2075, email:, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message regarding this program.