Professional Fundraising Certificate FAQs

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Professional Fundraising?

The profession of raising resources for non-profit organizations to fund their mission and vision activities.

Fundraisers can be paid or volunteer. What makes them professional is doing their work following best practices and using proven techniques and strategies that enhance results and build relationships that last.

This program will train, educate, equip people on all levels who want to better understand the process of successful fundraising so that upon completion the practitioner will be confident in their planning and execution of a good fundraising plan.

Is there a particular order in which the courses must be taken?

BPX 913 (Introduction to Fundraising) must be completed before all other courses — we strongly recommend courses be completed in numerical order, to take best advantage of material flow.

How much time does a student need to finish the program?

Students can complete the entire certificate program in as little as three (3) months.


Have other questions? 

Please contact CSUDH Continuing & Professional Education: 