Community College Teaching Cert Courses

Community College Teaching Certificate

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This program consists of 2 prerequisite courses (GED 548 and GED 549, which can be taken in any order), followed by an independent study course (which includes an optional teaching internship) (GED 594).

Completing GED 548 and GED 549 each with a grade of "B" or better is a PREREQUISITE for the internship (GED 594); you CANNOT sign up for the independent study course without first successfully completing the required prerequisite courses.

The optional internship with a faculty mentor is something students find on their own and coordinate with their own schedule in mind, as each person's location, discipline, days of availability, etc., are different. The CSUDH CCTC faculty will provide guidance and assistance through the internship process.

Course Schedule


Note: As of the Fall 2025 term, Community College Teaching courses will be $318/unit.

Spring 2025

Start DateEnd DateCRNDeptCourse TitleUnitsDaysHoursBldg/RmFeeInstructor
01/20/202502/15/202525906GED 549 41The Community College2SatAsynchronous + LIVE Online
11am–12pm PT
INT NET$606R McGinness
03/01/202504/26/202525907GED 548 41Effective College Teaching3SatAsynchronous + LIVE Online
11am–12pm PT
INT NET$909R McGinness
01/27/202505/21/202525908GED 594 41Independent Study Internship
Upon Approval
3Asynchronous + LIVE Online
+ Off-Campus

Summer 2025

Save the Date: Community College Teaching Information Session—Early August 2025

Start DateEnd DateCRNDeptCourse TitleUnitsDaysHoursBldg/RmFeeInstructor
05/27/202507/06/202535855GED 548 41Effective College Teaching3SatAsynchronous + LIVE Online
11am–12pm PT
INT NET$909R McGinness
07/07/202508/16/202535856GED 549 41The Community College2SatLIVE Online
9:30am–2:30pm PT
INT NET$606R Baltazar
* Schedule subject to change; consult with instructor for specific date details | Updated 3/7/25


Course Descriptions

GED 548 | Effective College Teaching

3 units | Completion Time: ~6-7 Weeks
Study of research, theory, and practices associated with teaching and learning processes within the community college system. Topics include course planning and organization, student diversity, teaching and student retention, and instructional technology.

  Required Text: Davis, Barbara Gross. Tools for Teaching, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2009.
Digital chapters are available at no cost to CSUDH students online via CSUDH Library. The full textbook is available for purchase via CSUDH Bookstore and Amazon.

GED 549 | The Community College

2 units | Completion Time: ~6-7 Weeks
An overview of the history, mission and function of the community college. Topics include the history of higher education, the role of the community college, student characteristics, curriculum, finance, governance, articulations and the California Master Plan.

  Required Text: Cohen, Arthur M., et al. The American Community College, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2013.
Digital chapters are available at no cost to CSUDH students online via CSUDH Library. The full textbook is available for purchase via CSUDH Bookstore and Amazon.

GED 594 | College Teaching Independent Study

3 units | Completion Time: ~15 Weeks (Avg. Term Length of Community College)
Prerequisites: GED 548 & GED 549 each with a grade of "B" or better | Internship Option: Spring and Fall Terms Only
A one-semester course allowing students to pursue directed study under the direction of a supervising instructor with an emphasis on providing concept information and practical experience essential for working at the post-secondary and collegiate level. This course is taught using an online blended modality, with both synchronous and asynchronous components.

Students will develop and prepare the course syllabus for an online course representing content they are qualified to teach utilizing skills and tools needed in the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) and other LMS programs. 

Optional Teaching Internship: Students may also include an optional teaching internship as a component of the teaching practicum. With the support of the certificate program faculty, students may secure their own internships that align with their personal schedule, location, discipline, and availability. This internship often serves as a semester-long job interview, offering valuable connections and frequently leading to future teaching positions.

  Required Text: TBD


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Course Delivery

Note: The classes for this program are presented ONLINE (live online or asynchronously online, depending on individual course). This instructor-led program utilizes our campus' Canvas Learning Management System (LMS), available through our student portal, MyCSUDH. Live online class sessions are conducted at the day/time indicated in the program schedule. Attendance and participation via Zoom at all scheduled class sessions is required.

For students using corporate/government/restricted access devices: Please check with your organization's IT services to ensure that you'll be able to access CSUDH's Canvas, Zoom, and Toromail resources prior to your first class session.

Be sure to get your password and instructions to access MyCSUDH when you register, and download/print materials for the first week prior to course start.

For questions regarding technical issues, please contact the CSUDH IT Helpdesk at 310.243.2500 and/or ►


 Information & Registration

When you're ready to register for courses, call 310-243-3741 (Option 1). 

The deadline to enroll for courses for most certificate programs is FOUR (4) BUSINESS DAYS or earlier before the class begins; please check the Course Schedule for the program to ensure that you can enroll on time.

Have other questions?
Check this program's FAQs (if provided), or simply call: 310-243-2075, email:, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message regarding this program.